The shareholders of the Media Support Fund have approved the list of experts selected by the Council of the Fund through a public call for applications.

The shareholders of the Media Support Fund (the “Fund”) on 9 April approved the list of experts selected by the Council of the Fund through a public tender. The experts are appointed for a 2-year term of office.

The Council of the Fund establishes panels of experts for each call for proposals for the programmes financed by the Fund. The Fund’s administration will shortly contact those experts appointed by the Council of the Fund to the panels this year and will conclude the contracts for the evaluation of the applications for the 2024 call.

List of Media Support Fund experts:

  1. Irena Alperytė
  2. Gintarė Adomaitytė
  3. Viktorija Jakubauskytė-Andriulienė
  4. Stasys Baublys
  5. Mantas Bražiūnas
  6. Jogintė Bučinskaitė
  7. Laima Budzinauskienė
  8. Jolanta Butkevičienė
  9. Daiva Červokienė
  10. Julija Fomina
  11. Asta Urbanavičiūtė-Globienė
  12. Julijus Grickevičius
  13. Virginija Grigaliūnienė
  14. Arūnas Gudinavičius
  15. Sigita Jacinevičienė-Baltaduonė
  16. Andrius Jakučiūnas
  17. Marija Jorė Janavičiūtė
  18. Laisvūnas Karvelis
  19. Laurynas Katkus
  20. Kęstas Kirtiklis
  21. Birutė Monika Kiškienė
  22. Vaida Stepanovaitė-Kobialka
  23. Denisas Kolomyckis
  24. Jolanta Kryževičienė
  25. Dionizas Litvaitis
  26. Saulė Mažeikaitė
  27. Mindaugas Nastaravičius
  28. Vaida Almonaitytė Navickienė
  29. Kęstutis Petrauskis
  30. Martynas Petrikas
  31. Aleksandra Pister-Gainienė
  32. Silva Pocytė
  33. AntonRadčenko
  34. Nina Puteikienė
  35. Ornela Ramašauskaitė
  36. Nijolė Raudytė
  37. Audronė Rimkutė
  38. Linas Ryškus
  39. Elena Sakalė
  40. Indrė Sesartė
  41. Laura Sėlenienė
  42. Daiva Siudikienė
  43. Gerimantas Statinis
  44. Nida Šulcienė
  45. Edvardas Šumila
  46. Laurynas Vaičiūnas
  47. Indrė Vareikytė
  48. Aida Vėželienė
  49. Vytautas Volungevičius
  50. Birutė Žemaitytė
  51. Rugilė Trumpytė

The term of office of the experts of the Media Support Fund is until 9 April 2026.

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Vasaris 2025

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  • Ekspertinis vertinimas
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